Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sign of the Beaver Chapters 7-9

As you read about Matt’s struggle to interest Attean in reading, you may be reminded of similar situations in your own life. Perhaps you, like Matt, have tried to get a reluctant learner interested in some project or new skill. Or, perhaps, like Attean, you have been forced into learning something that you thought was of no value to you.

Good readers naturally use their own prior knowledge to help them understand a character’s response to a situation. At this point in the story, with whom do you sympathize more - Attean or Matt? What experience of your own helps you to understand what that character is going through?


mark said...

almost every day of my life i have had to do something that I learned that I think is unhelpful. my dad makes me play music which lasts about 1 hour. about 20-30 minutes playing piano and 20-25minutes playing clarinet. this is like Attean not liking to learn to read because every day he has to do something he does not want to do.

Karen said...

I sympathize Matt and Attean the same because Attean has to learn to read a new language and Matt has to teach him how to read. One of my experiences that I think helps me understand how Matt feels is when I had to teach my little brother how to do his homework, but he got mad just like Attean got mad at Matt.

Fizzie246 said...

First comment!
I feel more sorry for Attean. Attean thinks it's a waste of time. When someone is forced to do something, they dislike it. In the story, it mentions that Attean was contemptous and thought white man ways were foolish. This is probably why he wanted to get out and hunt and fish.
~Elaine Fan

Fizzie246 said...
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Karen said...
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Cameron said...

I think I'm both like Attean and Matt. I'm like Matt because I learn new things everyday that i might not want to do. For example, when I have to practice piano everyday I am reluctant at first, but i know it's good for me to know how to play an instrument. I'm like Attean because I'm forced to learn Chinese, but now I kind of like going to Chinese school.

Adina said...

I sympathize for Matt more, because Attean is being really stubborn, and Matt doesn't know exactly what Attean feels about reading other than he probably doesn't like it. It also seems as though Attean tries to embarrass Matt when he's teaching Matt how to do something. Like, when they were fishing and when he was teaching Matt how do make the trap. He embarrassed Matt when Matt couldn't fish and when he couldn't make the trap very well. That is why I sympathize Matt more than Attean.

Kiran Rachmallu said...

I synthesize Matt and Attean. I am like Attean because my dad is trying to teach me advanced math that I don’t understand why it is necessary in the real world. Now I am starting to understand why it is needed. I am like Matt because I once had to teach my cousin who was 6 at the time, multiplication table up to 12. It was hard because she kept on giving up. It was also hard because she kept on adding instead of multiplying. That’s how I synthesise Matt and Attean.

Maya said...

I think I feel more sorry for Matt because Matt tries time and time again to interest Attean in reading. In the story, they say that Matt does not really know what Attean thinks about his reading lessons. I am reminded of when I had to teach a kindergartener to read with expression.

Anonymous said...

i think I'm more like Attean because my sister, Stephanie, tried to teach me how to make jewelry. Before i thought i couldn't do it, so i started to cry (I'm such a cry baby!). then my sister told me to stop crying and start concentrating. i stopped and finally learned to make jewelry. It was easy! i finally learned that you just have to concentrate!

BTW, there's actually a place called Kalamazoo! but i forgot where it was...

Angela said...

I wonder why it says "Anonymus said..." I posted that!

Surya said...

I sympathize attean more because Attean has to do somthing that he hates a lot.I did not want to do my English class and I am still stuck doing iit

Mira said...

I sympathize with Matt more because he is teaching Attean to read, which he does not enjoy, and Attean does not have interest in the lessons. Teaching someone so stubborn and proud can be hard. I know it is really challenging to teach someone something they do not want to do, and I have learned this while teaching things to my two-year-old cousin and kinder buddy.

surya said...
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Ishan said...

I feel sorry for Attean because he has to learn something that he doesn't want to like me having to play the piano or learn Hindi which I think is a waste of time.

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Abhinav Tumu said...

I think Attean is going through more of a struggle than Matt because Attean has no idea how to read but Matt has some experience of catching food or fishing. Another thing is that Attean is being forced to read by his grandfather (Saknis) under his will. I know this because a lot of people force me to do many things, for example, my dad sometimes makes me do middle school math. Another thing is that I get bribed for things I can not even do. In fact, everyone gets forced to do something in their life. Don't get me wrong, but I think it is hard for Matt too, but as much as Attean.

Abhinav Tumu said...

Once again, sorry for errors.

Valen said...

Like Attean being forced to read, I am forced to learn Chinese. I think it's a waste of time and I don't feel the need to do it.I've never been to China or Taiwan, so I've never felt the need to ever speak it to anyone other than my Chinese teacher.Attean feels no need to read, but enjoys Matt stories. Matt also doesn't really feel like he's enjoying teacher Attean either.

Roshan said...

I’m kind of like both Matt and Attean. Attean kind of reminds me of me because I have to do kumon, which I dislike, but know it will help me in math for later in life. I’m sort of like Matt because I have to try to keep my kindergarten buddy entertained and focused when we do projects.

Tiff said...

I think I'm like Attean and Matt because I'm forced to do things but I also get to teach other people that's younger than me every Friday. My brother always forced me to read. some times I don't read and he reads for me.

DW said...

When I first learned how to read Chinese, I thought that it was meaningless and boring, that there was no point. Attean felt contemptous of the white man's language because he also felt there was no need for it. He was also being held against his will because of his grandfather's treaty.

Pikachu said...

I don't really know who I sympathize more 'cause i have no experience of trying to teach someone something but i do have exp. with learning from someone i dislike but i still don't know who I sympathize more.


Angela said...
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Karen said...
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Angela said...
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colette said...

i sort of get the position Matt is in. i once tried to teacher a kid to tie his shoes but he seemed like he was not having fun so i kinda gave up and told him to just practice. this helps he under stand how matt feels because when someone gets fed up or is bored it makes you feel useless.

Hillary said...

I feel sorry for both of them. Attean feels that learning English is a big waste of time. Attean is also being very stubborn so now I feel sorry for Matt. I’m more like Attean than Matt because my mom always forces me to write Chinese, play the trumpet, and violin. It’s so hard to teach someone that is younger than you. It took me forever to teach my brothers how to draw.

Hillary said...
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victor said...

I feel worse for Matt because he has to teach Attean. Attean is really proud of himself, sometimes short tempered, and doesn't want to learn so he makes it harder for Matt to teach him English.

derek said...

I feel sorry for book to Attean to learn english but he seem not to care. I like Matt more because he always wants to learn more. I like to learn more then Attean does.

Eric said...

I sympathize with Attean more. When I was learning the partial sums method for addition, I thought it was a waste of time because I thought the U.S. traditional method was easier and faster. I thought that learning the partial sums method was nonsense as Attean felt while learning how to read.

Bijan said...

I think I am more alike to Matt. I am not wise like Attean, who knows many tricks about surviving in the wild. Matt was sort of foolish because he climbed the bee tree. I feel most bad for Matt because he has to teach something he doesn't want to teach.

Akshat said...

I feel sorry for Attean because he doesn't know much English.Attean doesn't care about it a lot because he's proud of his own language.

Kyle said...

I feel sad for Attean because he needs to go to the Matt’s cabin and learn the English language even though he only knows a little. He also needs to teach Matt a lot of things for survival for example teaching Matt how to make a trap, how to make a hook, and how to make a fire without flint.

Janice :] said...

I feel sorry for both Attean and Matt. I feel sorry for Attean because He has to learn English even though he doesn’t want to. He thinks English is a waste of time. He always wants to go outside to hunt, fish, or show off his skills to Matt. At the same time I feel sorry for Matt because he needs to teach Attean English. He always wants it to be interesting because he thinks Attean hates learning English from him. Sometimes Matt wants to show off to Attean but ends up looking like a fool.