Monday, May 21, 2012

Journey to Topaz

If you had ten days to evacuate your home and could take only possessions that you could carry
in two suitcases, what would you take and why? What would you do with the possessions that you
had to leave behind?


Mark 27 said...

If I had to evacuate,the things i'd take would be clean clothes, a few stuffed animals, pencil and paper, my money, my coin collection, my toothbrush, some of my books, the portable DVD player, DVDs, batteries, my dog, and some blankets. The things I leave behind I would give to friends that don't have to evacuate until I get back.

Kiran Rachmallu said...

There would be many things that I would take. I would bring some food, clothes, bed sheets, a toothbrush and toothpaste, some writing paper, pens and pencils, my glasses, my retainer, and a very special toy.I would take these items because I need them everyday and I couldn't survive without them. I would either sell or give items that I could not take with me to friends for safekeeping.

Karen said...

If I had only 10 days to pack I would pack food on the train ride(some),my clothes(short selves/pants, long sleeves/pants), some small books so I could still be educated, and I would pack my shoes. The space left I would let my mom or my brother use. I would sell all the things i had to leave behind so when we do leave camp we would have some extra money to find a new home and everything else.

Unknown said...

If I only had 10 days to pack everything I needed, I would only pack the things I really needed. I would pack jackets, clothes, my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and some candy in case I don't feel like eating dinner and get hungry. I would bring a wide variety of clothes because I could be there for more than a year, and so in the winter I would be warm and in the summer I wouldn't be too hot. I would bring the toothpaste, shampoo, toothbrush, and soap because I wouldn't want to be so dirty and stinky that no one would come close to me. I would also bring my blankets, my pillow, and a teddy bear I could hug in case I felt lonely and also it would remind me of home. With all the stuff I could't bring, I would sell it or give it to my friends to keep.

Cameron said...

If I only had 10 days to pack everything I needed, I would pack only the things I really needed and leave the rest of the space for my family if they needed more luggage space. I would bring my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, jackets, and other clothes. I would bring the toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and soap because I wouldn't want to be so dirty that no one would come near me. Also, i would bring a wide variety of clothes in case I stayed at the evacuation site for more than a year. Since there are different seasons, and I brought different clothes, I wouldn't be cold in the winter, and too hot in the summer. I would also bring a teddy bear as a symbol of my home and so I could hug it when I felt sad and lonely. WIth all the extra stuff I couldn't bring, I would sell it, or give it to my friends that weren't evacuating to keep. Lastly, I would bring a small treat like candy in case I didn't feel like eating the food there and got hungry.

Bijan Rashed Naimi #15 said...

The possessions I would take are my cloths, a scarf, sunglasses, playing cards shoes, a book, a boomerang, and a bag of jerky (since it was popular.) I would bring these these things because because they are what I need most. Other things I I would just throw away, but I would sell my Psp

Roshan 27 said...

Journey To Topaz: Blog Response 5/21/12

The present situation the Sakane family faces in the book Journey to Topaz is that they are being sent off to internment camp, and can only take the equivalent of 2 suitcases with them. Yuki cannot decide what to take with her. If I were in Yuki’s position, I would take a couple of things. One is clothes. I would take these for obvious reasons…. So I have something to wear! Another thing I would take with me is mattresses and blankets, so I have something to sleep on at night. I would also take with me some sort of entertainment, such as cards, or a board game, to play when I am bored. I would also take some things to study from, such as a science textbook, or a math textbook, so I wouldn’t fall behind, even if we were still learning in a school. Lastly, I would bring something to remind me of home, such as a picture of it, or something that our family really cares about. This would be if I would ever be feeling depressed, or dejected, I could look at it and think, “There is still hope that I will go back to this place.” These are a couple of things I would take with me if I were ever going to internment camp, just like many Japanese Americans like the Sakane family.

Janice :) said...

If I had 10 days to evacuate my home and could only take possessions that I could carry, I would first take all the necessary things such as my combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair ties, clothes, and other everyday items. After, if I still had space in the suitcases, I would take some toys, stationery, candy, and other unnecessary items. For the things I had to leave behind, I would either give it away to one of my friends, stuff away in my suitcase, bury it outside if it was personal, or hide it if I didn't want anyone to steal it. I would be sad to leave some of my belongings behind, and to not see it for a long time, or maybe even forever. I would also be kind of mad and annoyed at the people who made me leave. All in all, if I had to leave my home and only had a few days to pack, I would first bring the necessary things, then if there was space, put in some of my toys, or the things that were unnecessary or lighter. It would make me sad to leave behind some of my belongings.

Victor:) said...

If I had ten days to evacuate my home and could only take a few possessions. I would buy a really big suitcase so I could fit more stuff.
First, I would take my glasses because I couldn't bring my contact lenses.
I would also take my clothes because I need them. Then I would take anything the police made me take. Next I would take whatever else I could take. I would sell everything I had left.

Mira :) said...

If I had only ten days to pack and evacuate from my home, I would only bring the most important items. I would bring clothes for different types of weather because I would be at the camp year-round. I would also bring keepsakes such as photos of my family and friends, and my drawings from when I was young. Blankets and sheets would probably be important as well. I would most likely leave some toys behind, but I would take my favorite stuffed animals that my family gave me, and I would take a few of my favorite books. Although I know what I would take in my two suitcases, leaving my home would be difficult.

Roshan 27 said...

Journey To Topaz: Blog Response 5/21/12

The present situation the Sakane family faces in the book Journey to Topaz is that they are being sent off to internment camp, and can only take the equivalent of 2 suitcases with them. Yuki cannot decide what to take with her. If I were in Yuki’s position, I would take a couple of things. One is clothes. I would take these for obvious reasons…. So I have something to wear! Another thing I would take with me is mattresses and blankets, so I have something to sleep on at night. I would also take with me some sort of entertainment, such as cards, or a board game, to play when I am bored. I would also take some things to study from, such as a science textbook, or a math textbook, so I wouldn’t fall behind, even if we were still learning in a school. Lastly, I would bring something to remind me of home, such as a picture of it, or something that our family really cares about. This would be if I would ever be feeling depressed, or dejected, I could look at it and think, “There is still hope that I will go back to this place.” With all the items I couldn’t bring with me to camp, I would sell, and use the money to either try to by me families freedom (if they let me), or put it into my college fund. These are a couple of things I would take with me if I were ever going to internment camp, just like many Japanese Americans like the Sakane family.

Maya said...

I would take the basic necessities with me if I had to leave. Some of these include: some clean clothes, a toothbrush,some toothpaste, my hairbrush, and other basic things that I might need. Next, I would try to fit in some memories that would remind me of home in camp. I might take some letters from friends, some old birthday cards, and maybe some photographs. If there was any room left after all these things, then I might pack some of my toys. The items that I could not take, I would give to some really close friends who I could trust.

Danya Rm27 said...

If I had ten days to pack all of my chosen belongings, then I would then I would bring basic items that were crucial to surviving. My toothbrush, toothpaste,comb, clothes, and maybe even a little something to remind me of home will be coming with me to camp if I can carry it. Next, if I had some leftover space, I would stuff in some of my trophies or things that I love. These would remind me when I was lonely in camp about the life that I had before. All the leftover material in the house would probably go to my friends, relatives, or anyone that I trust to take care of them well before I leave. These people can not be of Japenese descent; otherwise they would have to be going to camp with me. My mother would be in charge of taking most of the household items that were required, so I wouldn't have to worry about that, either. All in all, I think that I would take the important items first, then jam a little something to remind me of home into my two suitcases.

Hillary-27 said...

If I only had 10 days to pack, I would bring many things I would need. I would bring year round clothes like short sleeves, long sleeves, jackets, etc.Taking my glasses would be a very good idea. I would tell one of my friends to hold onto my toys, prizes and medals, my art work, and other things that I wanted to keep. After packing all that stuff , then I would take anything the police forced me to take. If I had a pet, I would send it to an animal shelter. I would bring some possessions that are easy to carry( and some homemade sweets like cookies). I would have to bring some pencils for writing letters. The rest of my belonging would have to be sold.

Kyle Yu said...

If I had ten days to pack into 2 suitcases I would take many things. I would take food, clothes, journals, pencils, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bottles of water, and blankets. The reason why I will bring these things is because these things are important and these are the only things I will need. I will give my belongings to my friends and to my neighbors.

derek said...

If I had ten days to pack my stuff in two suitcases I would take the inportant things. I would take food, water, a journal, a pencil, tooth brush, toothpaste, pillows, air freshener, blankets, and money. The rest of my stuff i'll give to my friends or neighbors that are not being evacuated

Abhinav said...

If I had to leave my home for a long time, I would first pact the belongings I need. Like a pillow, food, toothbrush and paste, some clean clothes. These things are mostly needed for survival. Then I would pack the stuff I want, like money, books, a pecil and some paper, a journal, toys, and my handheld electronics. These will entertain me while I'm bored, and have nothing to do.

Fizzie246 said...

Firstly, I'd obviously pack the essentials-food, water, warm and cold weather clothes, towels, toothbrush, soap, comb, blankets, etc. Then I'd bring stationary objects, like pencils, envelopes, and paper. If it would fit, I'd bring an picture album, a camera, and maybe even a stuffed animal to remind me of home. Any pet would go to a friend, or an animal shelter. My valuables would come with me to camp. lastly, if i could, i';d bring some form of entertainment, like a book, or origami instructions. With origami, I could make colorful flowers, baskets, animals, and even a toy that would brighten up our"apartment".

Valen said...

I would pack some books, food and snacks, toys, pencils, paper, drawing utensils, toothbrushes and tooth paste, clothes, and water bottles. These thing would keep me from being bored and from dying. The possessions I have to behind would go to my friends that aren't evacuating.

Surya said...

If I had 10 days to pack I would pack my clothes,food for the the train,pots,pans, and everydaylife tools. The restof the suitcase would be paked with old memores and toys such as my basketball trophies and my toy cars.

Surya said...

If I had 10 days to pack I would pack my clothes,food for the the train,pots,pans, and everydaylife tools. The restof the suitcase would be paked with old memores and toys such as my basketball trophies and my toy cars.

Tom said...

I Would try to stuff all my stuff in the two suitcases. Problem solved.

Eric #21 said...

If I had ten days to evacuate my house, I’d separate stuff out into piles of things to bring, sell, store, and give away to friends and charity. I would sell my furniture and give my Legos and games that I am not taking with me to my friends for them to store while I’m gone. I wouldn’t sell anything else because I don’t have anything else worth a lot of money. Kiran would get my pet rat, Sally. I’d let Grandma have my food, cactus, and orchids. My toys, books, and clothes would go to my friends. I’ll give things that I’ve outgrown to younger kids or I’ll give them to charity.

I would pack cookware, snacks, clothes, some toys, and valuable possessions. I’d bring four plates, two bowls, three knives, three forks, three spoons, four cups, a pan, a pot, two water bottles, two thermoses, and a water filter because I need them for eating and drinking. For the trip, I’d pack candy, crackers, cereal, and other snacks. I’ll bring a sleeping bag, pillow, three flashlights, a lantern, and batteries for nighttime. I’ll take seven long-sleeved shirts, seven T-shirts, twelve pairs of socks, twelve pairs of underwear, five pants, two shorts, and three pairs of shoes so I have something to wear. I’d also need a coat, a hat, and gloves to keep me warm. I will also bring things that are important to me, including my blanket and monkey that I got when I was a baby, my Go Dog Go! book, and special rocks and coins from my rock and coin collection. For entertainment, I want my baseball glove, ball, bat, Monopoly, chess, my DS, and the DS charger. I’d bring money, my camera, pencils, eraser, colored pencils, and an eraser.