Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Brother Sam is Dead - Chapters 1-6

At this point in the story, we know the war has finally reached Redding Ridge.  Using your book to help you, prove the war has arrived in the Meeker's home town.  You must support your reasons with examples from the novel.


Mark 27 said...

I know that the war has arrived in Redding Ridge because, 1: the soldiers came and tried to take Life's gun. 2:Mr. Heron was sending secret messages messages to people. and 3: the cattle thieves that attacked Tim and Life said not to sell to the British. So in short you could say the War has arrived

Adina said...

The war has definitely reached Redding Ridge. For one thing, the Continentals actually came to Tim's father's tavern, and threatened Life. They said that if he didn't give them his Brown Bess, they'd do something to him. For another thing, Sam came, and he was with the army. The army knew Redding Ridge was a Tory town and they came to unarm everybody. These are just a few reasons that i KNOW that the war has made it's way to Redding Ridge.

Akshat said...

It will reach redding ridge because the cowboys are planning on steeling the cows and selling them to the rebels. Also Mr. Heron is on the rebels side and he is sending an letter to the rebels.

Cameron said...

The first reason I know that war has reached Redding Ridge is because the rebels broke into the Meeker's home and wanted to steal their gun (pg 49-60) The second reason is that Mr.Heron asked Tim to deliver to Mr.Burr,using him as a messenger to send secrets(pg 79-84).

Danya said...

I think that the war has come to Redding Ridge for many reasons. First of all, Mr.Heron tried to get Tim to send a letter to one of his associates. Occasionally,some troops were marching through town. As you can see, the war has already reached Redding Ridge.

Mira said...

In chapters 1 through 6, there are many reasons that prove the war has come to Redding Ridge. One reason is that there are many Continental soldiers in the town, either passing through or staying the night. The colonists had to let the soldiers sleep and eat in their homes. Another way to prove this point is some men and older boys have gone from Redding Ridge to go fight in the war on either the sides of the Patriots or the Tories. An example of this is Sam. He left his parents and brother to go fight for the Patriots. Many parts of this book prove that the war has come to Redding Ridge.

Kiran Rachmallu said...

There are many reasons that can be used to prove that war has come to Redding Ridge. On is that Patriot minutemen started disarming Tories in the area. Also, many people that stay in the tavern are patriots that disagree with Life. Those are some reasons that prove war has finally reached Redding Ridge

Maya said...

We definitely know that the war between the patriots and the loyalists has reached the Meeker's hometown: Redding Ridge. We know this because in the story, Tim mentions that they were seeing soldiers marching through the streets outside their tavern. He also says that fighting has been going on in the area. Tim says that he had heard many gunshots while the soldiers were marching through their town.

Janice 27 :) said...

At this point in the story, you can know that the war has already reached Redding Ridge, becuse in chapter 2-3 it talks about how the rebels went to the Meeker's house and asked for guns. Another example is that the "cowboys" try to get cattle for the British(actually they just wanted to eat it themselves)Also Mr. Heron said that he wanted Tim to deliver a message to another person. Another example was that Tim described the town to have troops wandering around the town. Mr. Heron also said,"lawlessness has run wild, common decency between people have disappeared, and man is is armed against their own neighbors."

Akshat said...

The war has come to redding ridge because when the rebels came they wanted Lifes un and take all the towns weapons so they will have more ammo. Also Mr.Herron trusted Tim and gave him a letter to the general that Sam is here so they could ambush and kill him.

Elaine 27 said...

The war has cause quite a few conflicts in Redding Ridge. It is now obvious that the Patriots and the Tories have come to the Meeker family's home. Firstly, the rebels came to disarm the Loyalists. They threatened Life and pushed him around a bit, not believing that Sam had the Brown Bess. Also, Mr. Heron asked Tim to deliver a secret letter to ally, though we're still not sure whether Heron is a Tory or Rebel. Another reason why I think the war has come to Redding is that the "cowboys", or cattle thieves, almost took the Meeker's cattle. They claimed that they were going to bring them to the army, but that was most likely a lie.

Angela said...

I know that the war has reached Redding Ridge because in chapters 2-3, it was talking about when the rebels went to the Meeker's house and told them to hand over their guns.Another example was when "cowboys" tried to steal cattle from the British and sell the goods to the rebels. Another example was when Mr.Heron told Tim to send a letter or a note to another British i think so they could know where the Continental troops were and kill them.

Abhinav said...

To prove that the war has finally come to Tim's house, we go back in the story. Ahah! I found it. When Tim was cutting wood in the wood lot, HE saw a group of soldiers come up to his house, and he ran over to the back of his house and he could see his parents pinned down. The soldiers had come Redding Ridge for weapons and Ammunition, and they obviously knew Tim's father had a Brown Bess. To bad for Life, Sam had already took it! Those soldiers did not believe him, but Sam surly took it. Also, Mr. Heron might have wanted to pass some secret notes to Fairfield, through Tim. Surly some signs of the war have come to be in Redding, but not a lot of them.

Valen said...

You can tell the war has come to Redding Ridge because two soldiers came to get Life's gun. Another way you can tell the war has come is because Mr. Heron wanted Tim to send letters to people outside of town.

Valen said...

You can tell the war has come to Redding Ridge because some rebels came to get Life's gun. Another way you can tell is because Mr. Heron wanted Tim to send letters to people outside of town.

Roshan said...

The Revolutionary War has definitely reached Redding Ridge. One example of this is that Continental soldiers came and tried to take the Meeker's gun. Another way I know the war has reached the general area (on the way to Verplancs Point) is that cattlethiefs, or cowboys, stopped Life and Tim on their way to sell their beef. One more way I know is that Mr. Heron sent Tim with a letter that only said " If the message is received, the messenger is reliable." One last way I know the war has reached Redding Ridge is that people from the town are goining the war. One example of this is Sam. These are a few reasons that tell ,e the war has reached Redding Ridge

Hillary said...

There are many reasons on how the war has come to Redding. Continental soldiers went to the Meeker's tavern to take Life's Brown Bess. Mr.Heron trusted Tim to take a message a man in somewhere. Cowboys are hiding in the bushes waiting to ambush an unexpected farmer. Both Continental and British soldiers are stealing cattle to feed the troops.

Eric 27 said...

You can tell that the war has reached Redding in many ways. One day, a group of about 20 Continental soldiers (Rebels) came to Redding. They went to the tavern and demanded Father’s Brown Bess. They injured Father but not very badly. This event made the war more real to Tim. Travelers at the tavern talked about people dying, finding some fresh bodies in a field, and getting hurt in battle. There were food shortages. Army commissary officers were buying a lot of the livestock to feed the troops. Sometimes they stole cows. They also searched for and stole weapons.