Monday, March 5, 2012

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?

Which word best describes Paul Revere for you: smart, funny, ambitious, busy, luck, energetic, accomplished, or some other word. Explain your choice using examples from the story.


Kiran Rachmallu said...

There are many words to describe Paul Revere. He is busy. In the story,the author says that Paul Revere was the busiest man in Boston. Even though,only supposed to do one word,my second word is brave. Paul was brave enough to go on the big ride.Those are some words that describe Paul Revere.

Mark said...

I think the word that best describes Paul Revere is
thrill-seeker. Whenever he has a chance to do anything he does it. For example when he heard about the french fighting the indians he rushed there with his sword ad gun. So I think thrill-seeker is the word that best describes Paul Revere.

Janice :) said...

I think Paul Revere is very busy and determined. He is determined because when he takes the chest of papers to Hancock, he didn't bother about the people shooting each other around him. Another example is when Paul Revere was riding his horse and there were British police and he just rode on. Paul Revere is busy because he had a lot of things to do. He made teapots, frames, and much much more. He was also a dentist, church bell ringer, and an express rider. He had to make fake teeth, yank teeth out, ring the church bells when he was supposed to, and he also had to ride to many different places telling everyone about the news. All in all, I think Paul Revere was a very busy and determined person.

Mira said...

I think I would best describe Paul Revere as energetic because he was always up for anything, like delivering messages over long distances and doing various jobs all around the town. I also would say that Paul was a very busy man. He was always in action, on foot or on a horse. He was a silversmith and a false tooth maker. Paul Revere was an amazing person.

Maya said...

I think that the word busy describes Paul Revere the best. In the story, the author seems to be very impressed by how busy he is. Not only was he a silversmith, but he was also an express rider.The author mentions that he always went looking for excitement such as the English and French war.The story also says that he hardly had time to write in his day book.Of all the people in Boston, Paul Revere definitely became one of the busiest.

Karen said...

I think that courageous and busy best describe Paul Revere. I chose busy because in the book it said that there were many busy people, but Paul Revere was the busiest of all. I chose courageous because in the book it said that he was the best express rider and back then i think being an express rider is very dangerous. Plus, he did many good things for his country such as moving an important trunk so that the British won't see what was inside it and Paul Revere warned the villagers that "the British are coming the British are coming".

Roshan rm.27 said...

And then what happened Paul Revere?

One word that best describes Paul Revere for me is heroic. Paul Revere did brave deeds just to help the Colonies gain independence. He did not know what fate would have in store for him, but he did brave deeds to help give a jumpstart to a nation. He became the Patriot’s number one express rider and delivered news from town to town. When the British came from sea, he asked his friend to hang two lanterns in the North Church. He then went to Lexington to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock. When John Hancock forgot a chest with important papers at his house, who went to get it? Paul Revere did. He and John Hancock’s secretary walked right through the shots that were fired, just to get the chest safely. In my opinion, heroic is the best word to describe Paul Revere.

Elaine said...

Paul Revere

I think the word busy describes Paul Revere the best. Paul Revere was obviously very busy. He had a lot of jobs and participated in everything. The book listed many of his jobs, and I was impressed by the length of it. Also, Revere had many important long rides as an express rider. Paul revere was certainly very busy.

Valen said...

I think Paul Revere was a busy man because he made and did so many things. He was a silver and goldsmith.He also made bookends, books,church bells, buttons, set up a hardware shop, set up a rolling mill, and wrote books. If he had enough time to all do that, then he must have a lot of free time.

Abhinav said...

Personally, if I had to choose a word that described Paul Revere, I would choose brave. Out of all the people I've heard of, he is one of the most bravest. Who else do you know that ran through town telling everyone that the British are coming? Who else do you know who stood up to the British and was not afraid when he was captured and sent to jail? I only know one person who did all that. Paul Revere. Paul Revere was a very brave and heroic man.

Cameron said...

Some words that describe Paul Revere are: busy, important, loyal, energetic, and smart. I chose busy because Paul Revere was always busy with lots of jobs and things to do. I chose important because he was very important in the war. He helped the rebels by making sure they were armed with weapons, so when the people came to attack, they would be ready. I chose the word loyal because Paul never turned against the rebels and started working for the British. I chose energetic because I feel from just reading the book that he always put 100% or more into all the work he did. He had to do so much, and even though he might have been tired, he still warned the people that the British were coming. Finally, I chose smart because he must have had to think a lot. He even thought of lighting lanterns to signal if the British were coming by sea or land!

Angela said...

I think a word that best fits Paul Revere is "busy". I think that because in the book describes his childhood and adult life as a busy life. In the book, the author says during Paul Revere's childhood, he had plenty to do. When his father died, he took over his father's silversmithing business and got very busy. Then there were taxes on things such as tea. He and his friends went during the night to heave tea into the Boston Harbor. That caused the King of England to get angry and send soldiers to Boston and try to fight. Then Paul Revere helped fight by yelling
" The British are coming! The British are coming! etc." That helped the people in Boston. That proves that e was very busy.

colette said...

I think the word that best describes Paul revere is the word courageous. I think he is courageous because he took on many tasks that were hard and risky. An example from the story is when he takes a task to ride to New York and Philadelphia. He comes across many challenges and succeeds. That is my reason for choosing the word courageous.

derek said...

The word that describe Paul Revere the best is busy. I chose that because when his father died so he needed money so Paul took over his dads silver Smith shop to get more money. He also had to pay taxes. Then one day he felt stress and went to have tea with his friends down at the Boston Harbor and the king got mad at the rebels so he decided to attack Paul Revere helped by telling the town"THE BRITISH ARE COMING THE BRITISH ARE COMING" So that is why I chose the word busy

Bijan Rashed Naimi #15 said...

The word I think best describes Paul is busy. For example, he always wanted to try something new even if it means going to war. The author also said "Of all the busy people in Boston, Paul was one of the busiest." I think that is true, too.

Hillary said...

Out of the million words to describe Paul Revere, I think that the words "busy", "brave", and "imaginative" best describe him. He is busy because he made silverware, false teeth, pulled out teeth,rang church bells ,and etc."Brave" also describes Paul because he volunteered to ride to New York and Pennsylvania to spread the news. Paul Revere was imaginative because when he quit express riding, he wrote, dreamed, and told about his Big Ride. Busy, brave, and imaginative are three word that would describe Paul Revere.

Adina said...

I think Paul Revere would be best by described as busy. In the story, I quote, "Of all the people in Boston, Paul Revere would turn out to be one of the busiest." The author also thinks he was busy. It said in the story that he made and sold a plethora of items and provided lots of services. He was also busy because he was an express rider and had to ride from town to town to town telling the news that was happening. That is why I think Paul Revere was a very busy man.

Victor said...

I think the best word to describe Paul Revere was patriotic. Paul always rushed to do good things for his country like rushing to defend the original thirteen colonies from Native Americans and the French. Paul also became the leader of the group that dumped tea in the harbor. Paul Revere played a huge roll in the Revolution and he also saved many colonists. Patriotic is the best word to describe Paul Revere.

Akshat said...

I think the proper word for Paul Revere is heroic. He did so many good deeds like spilling the cargo of tea so there won't be any taxes for Boston to pay. Also he went from town to town telling people to get out. He also got the chest full of important papers so the rebels wouldn't see them.

Akshat said...

I think the proper word for Paul Revere is heroic. He did so many good deeds like spilling the cargo of tea so there won't be any taxes for Boston to pay. Also he went from town to town telling people to get out. He also got the chest full of important papers so the rebels wouldn't see them.

Tiffany said...

Paul Revere was the busiest man in boston. That's what the author said. He had many kids and worked a lot. He is determined. So the best word I think that would describe him is brave.

Surya said...

I think Paul Revere is a busy man because in the story it said he was the busiest man in Boston. It also said that he was so busy that some times his handwriting was messy. That is why I think busy is the best word that describes Paul Revere.

Kyle said...

I think hard-working best describes Paul Revere because when he opened the silver shop he hardly ever forgot to do anything and he always gets things done. He never stops when something is blogging his way to reach his goal.

Kyle said...

I think hard-working best describes Paul Revere because when he opened the silver shop he hardly ever forgot to do anything and he always gets things done. He never stops when something is blogging his way to reach his goal.

Kyle said...

I think the best word for Paul Revere is concentrated. Whenever something tries to distract him he doesn't stop. He also never looks away. For example when Paul Revere was holding the trunk and people where shooting bullets. He never stopped to see who shot first of who shot last.

Danya said...

I think that the words busy and heroic describe Paul Revere the best.Busy would describe him because he had many errands to run for the government. He was also the one who was chosen for the Big Ride. Heroic would describe him because he helped awaken the citizens and prepare them for the oncoming British. These are the reasons why I think that busy and heroic describe Paul Revere best.

Eric27 said...

For me, busy describes Paul Revere the best. The story said that he was probably the busiest person in Boston and had no time for doodling in his notebook. He was a silversmith and goldsmith, a business man, an express rider, a member of the Sons of Liberty Club, and sometimes a dentist. He made teapots, cups, frames, church bells, fake teeth, and many other items. He is famous for his ride from Boston to Lexington warning people to prepare for an attack from the British Army.

Ishan said...

Ready is the word because he had to be ready if the British attacked the colonies. He was also smart because he did a lot of work and always got things right.