Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sign of the Beaver Chapter 6

In Chapter 6, as Matt recovers, he thinks, "It wasn't just enough to say an awkward thank you. He needed to give something in return." What can you infer about Matt's values from his thoughts? How might a person with different values-such as Ben- respond to the offer of help from someone?


Valen said...

Matt values the help from the Indians because without it, he would have died from the bee stings and he might have drowned in the lake. Ben might have tried to shoot or harm the Indians. He wouldn’t value the help they would give him. He probably rather drown or die of bee stings. Instead of thanking them he would try to steal something and run away.

Mira said...

I think Matt appreciates the help from the Indians because he believes that help from someone deserves something in return no matter what kind of person helps you. Someone else, such as Ben, might have believed the Indians were not nice people, and would not want to interact with them. Ben probably would have rather gotten hurt than be rescued by the Indians.

Roshan said...

Sign Of The Beaver

Matt has a lot of values. He values the help from Indians because otherwise he would probably have died from the bee stings, or drowned in the lake. Somebody like Ben would have tried to hurt the Indians. Ben might have also pretended to be grateful, go to the village but then in the middle of the night have stolen something and ran off. He could have also just walked off without trying to say anything.

Maya said...

Matt is very grateful that the Indians saved him from the bee attack. He wants to show his appreciation by doing something beyond just saying,"thank you." From this we gather that Matt respects the Indians and their culture. He tries to understand the Indians' feelings deeply and he feels like giving them a gift which may be more meaningful to them. Ben does not respect the Indians. He would not willingly accept their help.He is a dishonest thief who may actually steal valuables from the Indians.

Abhinav Tumu said...

Matt is a great kid. But getting a lot of trouble with the bees, he has found himself helpless. Unlike some people the Indians come and save him because the are considerate,even to people that are not their kind. The Indians provide him with many things like medicine,food,crutches,and wonderful shoes. In return, Matt tries to be considerate and give them a English book. Unfortunately, the can not read the book. As far as we know Ben, he would not have something that nice. After he was all healed, he'd just steal the valuable items and run away. As I said, Matt is a good guy so this values are better than Ben's.

Abhinav Tumu said...

I'm sorry for the errors in mine. I'll spell better next time.

Kiran Rachmallu said...

I can infer that Matt appreciated help from the Indians because he could have died from the bee stings because they were poisonous and he could of died. A person like Ben would have died from the bee stings because he did not use his values. Also instead of giving them a gift, he would steal from them, run away,or possibly shoot them and take their land for his own.

Cameron said...

I can infer that Matt feels grateful for everything the Indians have done for him. They helped him heal the bee stings, and even made him new moccasins! If the Indians had helped Ben, I think Ben would just keep asking for more and more. I know that Ben is a bad person because he stole Matt's gun.

Adina B. said...

Matt is a very nice kid. He values the help he got from the Indians. He would have drowned or died from the bee stings if the Indians hadn't helped cure and heal him. That is why he feels he needs to thank the Indians in more than just words. On the other hand, Ben would have probably swatted away the Indians like flies and died. (But I think Ben would have deserved it)

Hillary said...

Matt felt very foolish when he had given the book to Saknis. He was very grateful to the Indians for saving his life so he had given them a book. If he had a second thought it would be that a book isn’t enough. The Indians made a treaty which would be very helpful to Matt and Attean. A person like Ben would have tried to avoid the Indians. He would have shot the Indians or shoo them away like flies.If Ben really had tried to get some honey and got stung by a whole bee hive he really deserves it for stealing Matt's father's rifle.

derek said...

Matt was grateful that the indians helped him from all those stings. The indians were so nice they even gave him food. If Ben got help he would probally take everything from the indians. He even stole Matt's gun! If the indians find out who stole all thier stuff Ben is gonna be in deep trouble

derek said...

whoops forgot the period at the end.

Karen said...

Matt is grateful that the Indians saved his life. He feels like he needs to repay the Indians with more than just a simple thank you. So instead he gives the Indians a bible, but matt didn’t know that the Indians could not read English. Some other characters like Ben would just wait until the Indians healed him and would run off without even saying thank you.

Janice :] said...

The Sign of the Beaver
Chap 6
Janice Yang
Saknis (the indian grandfather) helped Matt. If he did not help Matt , Matt could have died or gotten extremely hurt. Matt wanted to thank Saknis with more than a simple “thank you.” At last he gave Saknis a book, Robinson Crusoe. If it was Ben who had gotten chased by the bees into a lake and saved by Saknis and Attean, he would have taken advantage of the Indians helping him and take more than he needed. He would probably just say a half-heartedly “thank you.” He wouldn’t even care about the helpful things the two indians did for him. So I think Matt’s values are better than Ben’s.

Victor Liu said...

I think the Indians were very considerable because they could have chosen not to save Matt. Saknis has pity on him and gives him a lot of help. Saknis gives him medicine, food, crutches, and moccasins. Matt tries to thank Saknis by giving him a copy of Robinson Crusoe but Saknis tells Matt to teach his grandson Attean English. If the Indians were to help Ben. Ben would probably take advantage of them. He would probably steal their beaver skins and tell other men to invade the beaver clan's territory.

Tiffany said...

Matt was grateful that the Indians save him from the bees. So he gave the Indian Saknis a book. Ben would take advantage of the Indians and steal their valuables like he did with Matt.

Mark said...

matt got saved by the indians and for that he was grateful. the indians saved matt's life from bees, from drowning ect ect ect. he thought that just saying "thank you" would not be enough. this shows that matt apriciates things people do for him. ben probably would have probably just say "thank you" and then have run away.

Akshat said...

I think Matt was grateful to indians because they saved his life from the posioned bee stings and from him drowning.

ishan lakhani said...

Matt was grateful that the beaver tribes chief Saknis saved him from the bees so he wanted to think of a way to repay them for saving his life, without them he would be dead

John P said...
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Angela said...

I think that Matt was very grateful that the beaver tribes chief, Saknis, had saved him from the poisoned bee stings and drowning. Matt thought that just saying, "Thank you, chief" wouldn't be enough. Matt wanted to give a thank you gift(not card) and bow to him. MAYBE!
(. _ .)Get it? Got it? Good!

Angela said...
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Elaine said...

Mark probably always gives something in return to a gift. He always appreciates a gift with a “thank you”. Ben did not really thank Mark for the meal. Instead, he even stole Matt’s gun! He wasn’t grateful. Matt was different. He appreciated the Indians saving him and bringing him food.

Abhinav Tumu said...

Elaine, who is Mark?

Elaine Fan #6 said...

Sorry about the name confusion.

colette said...

Matt treasures the help from the Indians because with out it he would have died. I no this because bees stings are poisones. Either he would have drowned and died from bee stings. Ben on the other hand probably would have not cared for the Indians and when the Indians take his to the tent they live in he would have stolen something when he got better.

Keiran Barron said...

Mark is lucky the Indian's saved him from the bees and drowning. It is a shame a bear broke into his cabin and stole all his food. Also, it is too bad he couldn't trust Ben, who stole his hunting gun. I hope his parents come back soon.

Bijan said...

Matt was grateful the Indians found him, because if they didn’t he would of died of the bee stings. Ben, on the other hand, would have killed the Indians. He would of also taken something and run away. I know this because Ben stole Matt’s gun.

Kyle said...

Matt never should have let him stay at his cabin.He also got unlucky about a bear breaking into his cabin he also lost a lot of supplies.Matt was really lucky that Saknis gave him medicine and that his grandchild helped him escape the bees.

Abhinav Tumu said...
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Surya Gudapati said...

matt values help from the indians because without it he would drown in the river.Ben would of taken the help and after he was healthy he would of shot him and tooken his belongings

surya gudapati and cena rocks said...
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surya and cea rocks said...

angela who is poozcorner

Eric said...

I can infer that Matt really values the time and effort the Indians spent in making the moccasins and crutch, taking care of him, and saving his life. He values their friendship because he is alone. Matt feels he needs to pay them back equally. Ben might just say thank you and not give them anything because he thinks everything is about him. Ben might also might ask for more and more things instead of accepting what they gave him.

DW said...

Danya said ....

Matt remembers his father’s advice about being polite to Indians, and he really thinks that he owes a great debt to Saknis, who saved his life from the bees. He is really a great person who values the help of others and gives back a lot in return. Some other people, such as Ben, wouldn’t even say a little thank-you. He would just steal something right after they nursed him back to health and run away, just as he had done with the rifle.

Anonymous said...

Five people didn't post a comment!

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Ishan said...

Matt was grateful that the beaver tribes chief Saknis saved him from the bees so he wanted to think of a way to repay them for saving his life, without them he would be dead. I think Ben would just say thank you and wouldn't give anything because he already stole Matt's dads rifle and proven himself unworthy.

Kyle said...

I think Matt is really thankful that the Indians saved him or else he would die. Ben was a trader after Matt gave him food and a place to sleep. He stole his only weapon for hunting. Now he doesn't have any food except vegetables and fish.