Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Editing Checklist

Does your post have a title?
Did you choose one (1) topic and stick to it?
Did you include specific details from your book or sharing?
Did you edit for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc.? - see list below
Is this your very best work?
After you are finished revising your piece for content, read through your writing and edit for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

I have used the spell check tool and made my corrections

I began each sentence with a capital letter.

I have used capital letters for names of specific people or places.

I have ended each sentence with correct punctuation ( . ? ! )

I have not started any sentences with “And…” or “Then…”

I have used my first name only


Janice :] said...

Thank You, Mrs.Huebner for reminding us!

Angela (+_+) said...

Yeah! thanks! i almost forgot! <3

Abhinav Tumu said...

Yeah, I was beginning to forget, but this reminded me!