Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sign of the Beaver Chapters 7-9

As you read about Matt’s struggle to interest Attean in reading, you may be reminded of similar situations in your own life. Perhaps you, like Matt, have tried to get a reluctant learner interested in some project or new skill. Or, perhaps, like Attean, you have been forced into learning something that you thought was of no value to you.

Good readers naturally use their own prior knowledge to help them understand a character’s response to a situation. At this point in the story, with whom do you sympathize more - Attean or Matt? What experience of your own helps you to understand what that character is going through?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sign of the Beaver Chapter 6

In Chapter 6, as Matt recovers, he thinks, "It wasn't just enough to say an awkward thank you. He needed to give something in return." What can you infer about Matt's values from his thoughts? How might a person with different values-such as Ben- respond to the offer of help from someone?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Recommend a book

Let's start a list of recommended reading. Tell the class about a book you think they should read. Be sure to include the title, author, genre, and a brief summary. What makes this a great book to read? We want as many different titles on this list as possible. Don't repeat another person's recommendation.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Editing Checklist

Does your post have a title?
Did you choose one (1) topic and stick to it?
Did you include specific details from your book or sharing?
Did you edit for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc.? - see list below
Is this your very best work?
After you are finished revising your piece for content, read through your writing and edit for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

I have used the spell check tool and made my corrections

I began each sentence with a capital letter.

I have used capital letters for names of specific people or places.

I have ended each sentence with correct punctuation ( . ? ! )

I have not started any sentences with “And…” or “Then…”

I have used my first name only

Welcome! Please Read First

Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to our Literature Blog. This blog will introduce students to Web 2.0 tools to interact and collaborate in the digital world. To enrich their understanding of literature, we will be using this blog to pose questions and discussions about novels, famous quotes and possibly other curricular areas as the year progresses.

Please use this only for school-related communication. This is not a chat room or a Facebook social networking page. Keep in mind that everything you write here can be seen by your classmates and teacher. Please do not post anything on this blog that you wouldn’t say or write in our classroom. Remember to be respectful when responding to other students' comments.

Parents, please note that I will be moderating all comments as needed. Students will be signing their comments with their first name only.